How Do Metal Detectors Work?

As an avid metal-detecting enthusiast, I often get asked the question, “How do metal detectors work?” Today, I’m excited to share this intricate world with you!

Introduction to Metal Detectors

Imagine walking along a beach, your metal detector humming in the cool morning breeze. Suddenly, it chirps loudly, indicating a potential treasure beneath your feet. But have you ever wondered how this unique device works?

The History of Metal Detectors

The metal detector has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century. Invented by Alexander Graham Bell, these devices were initially used to locate bullets in wounded soldiers. Today, they serve many purposes, from treasure hunting to archaeological explorations.

The Science Behind Metal Detectors: A Deeper Dive

At their core, metal detectors are simple yet intriguing devices. They leverage principles of electromagnetism to detect metal objects buried under the ground. But how does this happen?

To truly understand how metal detectors work, we must delve into the fascinating world of electromagnetism, a branch of physics that studies the interactions between electric currents and magnetic fields.

Principles of Electromagnetism

Electricity plays a significant role in the functioning of a metal detector. When electrical energy is supplied to the device, it generates an electromagnetic field. This field is what allows the detector to sense metal-type objects.

In the 19th century, physicist James Clerk Maxwell established a set of equations, now known as Maxwell’s equations, which provide the mathematical description of electromagnetism. These equations describe how electric charges and currents produce electric and magnetic fields. It’s these principles that make the functioning of a metal detector possible.

The Role of Electricity

So, how does electricity play into this? When you turn on a metal detector and scan, an electric current flows through its transmitter coil. This current is not static; it moves back and forth thousands of times per second, and this oscillation is what generates an accompanying magnetic field.

The Creation of Magnetic Fields

Now, this part is crucial. The transmitter coil, carrying an electric current, creates a magnetic field around it. This magnetic field is not confined to the coil itself but extends outward, penetrating the ground beneath the coil. The strength of this field varies, but it’s generally relatively weak, which is why metal detectors work best when held close to the ground.

Magnetic Fields and Metal Detection

Something interesting happens when this magnetic field encounters a metallic object (like a buried coin or a relic). The magnetic field induces eddy currents in the metal object. These are swirls of electricity that generate their magnetic fields. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction.

Transmitter Coil

The transmitter coil in the metal detector is responsible for creating the initial magnetic field. It’s essentially a wire wound around a loop, and when electricity passes through this wire, it generates a magnetic field around the coil.

Receiver Coil

The receiver coil, also known as the search coil or the antenna, acts as the ‘ears’ of the metal detector. It’s tuned to detect the secondary magnetic fields created by the eddy currents in the metal object. It generates a small electric current when it picks up this magnetic field.

Signal Processing

The final piece of the puzzle is the signal processing. The small electrical current generated by the receiver coil is sent to the metal detector’s control box. It’s amplified and processed to produce a tone you hear through the speakers or headphones. The pitch and volume of the tone can provide information about the size and composition of the metal object, as well as its depth.

So, there you have it! The science behind metal detectors is an interesting blend of electricity and magnetism, enhanced by modern technology. This allows us to find hidden objects underground, making treasure hunting an exciting adventure.

Types of Metal Detectors

There are primarily three types of metal detectors:

  • Very Low Frequency (VLF)
  • Pulse Induction (PI), and
  • Beat-Frequency Oscillation (BFO)

Very Low Frequency (VLF)

VLF detectors are the most common type. They use two distinct coils: one acting as the transmitter, the other as the receiver. They’re versatile and excellent for beginners!

Transmitter Coil in VLF Detectors

The transmitter coil in VLF detectors is the outer coil loop. Within this coil, electricity moves in two directions, generating a radio wave around the detector. This radio wave is low-frequency (hence the name, Very Low Frequency), typically operating in the frequency range of 3-30 kHz. When this radio wave comes into contact with a metallic object, it causes a disruption.

Receiver Coil in VLF Detectors

Often set within the transmitter coil, the receiver coil picks up these disruptions. When a metallic object disturbs the transmitted wave, it generates a smaller, secondary electromagnetic field around itself. The receiver coil detects these changes and sends the signal to the control box.

Analysis and Indication

The control box processes the signal from the receiver coil and converts it into an audible tone or a visual display, notifying the user about the detected metal. The changes in the tone or the signal strength can often indicate the type and size of the metal object.

What’s excellent about VLF detectors is their ability to discriminate between different types of metals. This is possible due to a phenomenon known as phase shifting. Other metals have different conductivity levels, and when the electromagnetic field hits an object, it causes a phase shift. More conductive metals like silver cause a higher phase shift, while less conductive metals like iron cause a lower change. A VLF detector can often give you a decent idea of what kind of metal lies beneath the surface by reading these phase shifts.

In summary, VLF metal detectors work by sending out an electromagnetic field, detecting disruptions in this field when interacting with a metallic object, and interpreting these disruptions to alert the user about the presence and type of metal underground. It’s an intricate play of electromagnetic fields and smart engineering!

Pulse Induction (PI)

Pulse Induction metal detectors are a bit more complex than their VLF counterparts.  They send powerful, short bursts of current through a coil. They’re commonly used in highly mineralized soils, like on beaches or for gold prospecting, due to their ability to ignore mineral signals.

The Pulse in PI Detectors

PI metal detectors work by sending powerful electric pulses into the ground—hence the name “Pulse Induction.” These pulses generate a short-lived magnetic field. When the pulse ends, the magnetic field reverses and collapses, causing an electrical spike. This spike lasts a few microseconds and causes another current to run through the coil, which also has a sharp spike.

Signal Induction

Here’s the fascinating part: if a metallic object is within the magnetic field created by the PI metal detector, it’ll generate an eddy current – a localized electric current within the metal object. This eddy current generates its magnetic field, but unlike the detector’s magnetic field, which collapses quickly, the induced magnetic field decays much slower.

Detection and Analysis

Once the magnetic field generated by the detector collapses, the coil is left in the presence of the metal object’s magnetic field. As this field decays, it induces another current in the coil, which is detected and amplified to create a signal. By measuring the time it takes for the signal to decay, the detector can determine the presence and size of the detected metal object. This time delay is minimal for small objects, and longer for larger or more conductive objects, allowing the detector to distinguish between different targets.

Ignoring Ground Minerals

The ability of PI detectors to ignore ground minerals is one of their standout features. Since the soil’s magnetic field does not hold and decay like the magnetic field of metal objects, it collapses along with the detector’s magnetic field. This allows the detector to largely ignore the effect of mineralized soil, making it perfect for use in locations with high mineral content.

In conclusion, PI metal detectors send powerful, short-lived electric pulses into the ground and detect the eddy currents induced in metallic objects. They’re an advanced type of detector, offering a deeper range of detection and the ability to work efficiently in mineralized soils.

Beat-Frequency Oscillation (BFO)

Beat Frequency Oscillator detectors are the simplest and most affordable. They use radio waves to detect buried metal, but their depth and accuracy are limited compared to VLF and PI detectors.

Beat-Frequency Oscillation (BFO) is the simplest and oldest type of metal detector technology. It’s most commonly found in inexpensive, entry-level detectors.

Dual Oscillators in BFO Detectors

The core of a BFO metal detector is its two oscillators. Each of these oscillators produces a radio frequency. One of these oscillators is located in the search coil, while the other is in the control box.

Creation of Beats

As the name suggests, these detectors work on the principle of beat frequency. When two frequencies are combined, they produce beats that are equal to the difference between the two frequencies. In BFO detectors, the frequency generated by the oscillator in the control box is a fixed frequency. However, the search coil oscillator’s frequency changes when it encounters a metal object.

Detection and Signal Indication

When the detector’s search coil approaches a metal object, the magnetic field of the object influences the frequency of the coil’s oscillator. This slight change in frequency is combined with the frequency from the control box oscillator, producing a beat frequency. This beat frequency is what the detector identifies as a signal for the presence of metal. The signal is usually heard through an audible tone via headphones or a built-in speaker.

Simplicity and Limitations

While BFO detectors are simple and affordable, they have some limitations. They cannot discriminate between different types of metals and don’t perform well in mineralized soils. Their depth range is also somewhat limited compared to VLF and PI detectors.

In summary, BFO metal detectors work based on the principle of beat frequency oscillation. While they’re relatively basic in their design and functionality, they can serve as an excellent introductory tool for those new to metal detecting.

Choosing the Right Metal Detector

As with any hobby, choosing the right equipment is crucial. When it comes to modern metal detectors, consider your budget, the location you’ll be hunting in, and the type of metal you want to find.

Factors to Consider

Ask yourself: Will I be near water? Am I searching for gold, relics, coins, or all? Do I need a lightweight model for long expeditions?


A VLF detector with ground balance control for beginners will make a huge difference. A PI detector might be worth the investment for seasoned hunters seeking more challenges.


Metal detectors are fascinating tools combining history, adventure, and science. Understanding their workings helps you become a better treasure hunter and deepens your appreciation for this remarkable technology.


What type of metal detector is best for beginners?
A VLF metal detector is often recommended for beginners due to its versatility and ease of use.

Can a metal detector detect gold?
Yes, metal detectors can detect gold. However, high-frequency VLF or PI detectors are better suited for this task.

How deep can metal detectors detect?
The detection depth depends on the metal detector type and the object’s size. Small coins can be detected up to six inches deep, while larger objects can be detected several feet underground.

Can metal detectors work underwater?
Yes, but ensure your metal detector is designed for this. Some are waterproof, while others are only water-resistant.

Are expensive metal detectors worth it?
It depends on your needs and level of interest. Expensive models offer more features and better depth, but a budget-friendly model might suffice for occasional hobbyists.

Mark O'Dwyer

Mark O'Dwyer

With many years of experience in electronics and engineering, as well as a passion for using the latest technology to discover hidden treasures, I now want to share my enthusiasm with you. My hope is to spark your interest and make this fascinating hobby as thrilling for you as it is for me.

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